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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Forward motion is harder than it sounds...

So, there have been a lot of thoughts in my head lately, and unfortunately, typing them out on my phone takes too long for me to do them on a whim, so some of them may never make it to y'all. Others may make it, but not in an even remotely cute or witty manner, sorry.

Tonight is the last night our whole group from FSU is here in Moscow (except my roommate, who left at 5am today). I can't believe that 6 weeks have already gone by! Things are pretty bittersweet around here, some are happy to go home, some aren't, and a few others are getting ready to embark on another big adventure- Siberia. My access to phone service and internet will be pretty limited starting Monday afternoon, but I'll try to post updates so y'all know I'm alive. Plus, Siberia- HOW FREAKING COOL IS THAT!? It also entails more long flights and jet-lag, so hopefully I'll be able to wrap up my thoughts on Moscow before landing in Batumi.
Anyway, I'm making this post pretty short because there's too much hanging out and partying to do with the amazing friends I've made here.

So, I guess today's lesson is all about forward motion. Yes, the past 6 weeks have been amazing, and I have no regrets. Some things I'd like to tweak a bit, but I'd do everything exactly the same again. And while I'll catch myself missing these people (already got disappointed when someone came into my room this evening and I was totally expecting it to be my roomie), this place, and these experiences, I don't have time to miss them long, or wish I had done something differently, because I'm off to the next great adventure. So, tonight, a song by Relient K will be my anthem. "We all struggle with forward motion. Cause forward motion is harder than it sounds."

What happens when you put a bunch of FSU students on a boat sailing the Moscow River? Shenanigans.
Russian smiles on fleek.
HOLY CRAP! War of 1812!?! Napoleon got all the way over here?! Let me take a selfie.
For the best view of Moscow, check out the 850 Ferris wheel.
Checkout the Starlight Cafe, if you want a 1950's style diner with alcoholic milkshakes!
Marching Chiefs marching on Red Square
Eventually every church looks like all the others, so let's selfie!
When in Petersburg, get dressed up, and go to the Pushkin Cafe - we clean up pretty well, no?
Who could ask for lovelier dinner companions?
Who cares if they guys missed the memo? The girls got to play dress-up for our Midnight White Nights cruise in Petersburg
Friendships blossoming now that we're out of the classroom!
Look at this Motley Crew at the beginning of the trip - I don't think any of us could fit into our clothes after 6 weeks.
Week 1 shenanigans. Bonds quickly forged.
I didn't know the importance of that sign behind us at the time... something about The Master & Margarita...
Going to tour the bunker that was the command center for the Cuban Missile Crisis? Let me take a selfie.

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